Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sugar Bowl

Some friends and I had planned a day to Sugar Bowl to snowboard. I half invited Joe, expecting him to say "no", but he said he would consider meeting me.

So much for that. Time to feel the rush of the cold air and the powder beneath my feet. Halfway there, Joe calls and asked me where I was...he was there, waiting for ME! 

Yay, now we get to hang out in a very fun and flirty atmosphere.

He is equally, hot in his ski gear with an added 2 day beard...yum!  Why is it weekend man looks even better than suit that possible..!

Were on the lift and all I can think is, "God please don't let me bite it getting off the lift"!  Exit stage left smoothly...shoo.

It was an amazing day. The best day I've ever had snowboarding. Not once did I make a fool of myself or have any colossal wipeouts in front of Joe.

Once again, were all over that damn mountain, even in a few secluded areas...alone. Were talking, laughing, but no kissing. Oh great, "is he still on the fence about me, is he not attracted to me, did he meet me because I'm fun to hang out with...what the hell is this guys deal???

The day comes to an end and it's time to head home. Were saying goodbye in the parking lot. My heart sinks, all day and not one lil peck...grrr. So, what does he do, he kisses me, in front of everyone!  Our second kiss and his friend and my friends are awkward!!

That was the longest drive home. How is it this guy holds my attention even after he's gone?  I wonder when I'll see him again...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited your doing this! Love stories are my favorite and I have never heard the entire story of how you met!
