Monday, May 9, 2011

All By Myself: January 14, 2011

Jumping ahead...

This was supposed to be my girls weekend to Tahoe. 

Joe was having his testosterone trip to Canada as well.

Sadly, my Chuy was not getting any better. I decided to stay home and take care of my furkid. 

It was a nice weekend. It had been a long time since I spent a weekend by myself. I was able to get a lot of my chores done and catch up on reading. 

In the midst of all this alone time I started thinking about my future with Joe. He had surpassed all my expectations in a mate. Not once has he waivered or behaved douchey. 

Well, apparently alone time and feelings of intense emotion make me think all kinds of things. I shared with my sister Angela that I had baby fever. 

She insisted I would be a good mom although I would "spoil it to no end". She's probably right. My nieces and nephews can agree. 

Joe gets home Sunday evening. What better way to have the "baby talk" than over a home cooked meal...he didn't stand a chance. 

I begin with..I had a fever this weekend. He's listening, showing concern, urging me to tell him more. I continue, I was hallucinating about babies and baby names. His eyes widen. The room is silent, I dive in with, "I want a baby"!  More silence. 

"When do you want to get started", he replies. Wow, that was easy..must have been my fried chicken. 

Well, time to get started...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Moving Day

Wow, it's already been 2 months of blissful dating. And, what do
I do to the man in the throes of passion and inability to say "no"... I have him help me move! 

Let me tell you, moving a 4 bedroom tri level into a 4 bedroom rancher is no easy task. And, the only thing that kept me from cussing the 3.5 moving men I hired was I could not allow Joey to see my head spin and pea green soup project from my mouth. Not when it's only been two months of bliss...

I will save this for a much later date when he is hopelessly in love with me...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Second Date

Come on already..3 day rule I hate you!!  I'm ready to see the hot guy again. Why are there so many rules we have to follow..don't call, let him call you; don't seem too eager or too available..make him chase you, make him want you.  

Yay, it's here:

We pick a restaurant near his house in Sausalito. Plan is to meet at his place and set out together. 

Second date and I get to check out his he messy, organized or somewhere in between...this could definitely play into my attraction to him. 

I'm's time to knock on his door...why is my heart in my throat?! And, thank god I applied that second layer of deodorant!!

He answers, my hot date answers and greets me with a kiss.  None of that waiting til the end of the date silliness.  We manage to peel away from each other so he can give me a tour. His place is immaculate, tastefully decorated and has a picturesque view of the bay. 

Time to eat:
We picked The Buckeye, a yummy meat and potatoes restaurant with a warm ambiance. So, there's a moose head on the wall, I've had stranger dinner company. 

Next stop, the Silver Peso:
Nothing like some healthy competition to stoke the fire. Damn, when did my pool game get so bad?  Maybe if I go for that long shot, the one where I have to bend over the table and stand on my tippy toes...that should help him forget me scratching on the break...

Popcorn Floozy:
The date was going very well, we were both having a great time. That is until the Popcorn Floozy crashed our date!

This lady is two snorts away from a drug overdose. And, her boyfriend, client, whatever he was...climbed out of the same hole. She starts hitting on me and putting popcorn in my cleavage!  

I was mortified. Joe was a good sport, but I had no idea how to react, what to say...other than..."I'm ready to go somewhere else".  

We decided to go back to his place.  Yay, more smoochie smoochie!!