Monday, February 14, 2011

Second Date

Come on already..3 day rule I hate you!!  I'm ready to see the hot guy again. Why are there so many rules we have to follow..don't call, let him call you; don't seem too eager or too available..make him chase you, make him want you.  

Yay, it's here:

We pick a restaurant near his house in Sausalito. Plan is to meet at his place and set out together. 

Second date and I get to check out his he messy, organized or somewhere in between...this could definitely play into my attraction to him. 

I'm's time to knock on his door...why is my heart in my throat?! And, thank god I applied that second layer of deodorant!!

He answers, my hot date answers and greets me with a kiss.  None of that waiting til the end of the date silliness.  We manage to peel away from each other so he can give me a tour. His place is immaculate, tastefully decorated and has a picturesque view of the bay. 

Time to eat:
We picked The Buckeye, a yummy meat and potatoes restaurant with a warm ambiance. So, there's a moose head on the wall, I've had stranger dinner company. 

Next stop, the Silver Peso:
Nothing like some healthy competition to stoke the fire. Damn, when did my pool game get so bad?  Maybe if I go for that long shot, the one where I have to bend over the table and stand on my tippy toes...that should help him forget me scratching on the break...

Popcorn Floozy:
The date was going very well, we were both having a great time. That is until the Popcorn Floozy crashed our date!

This lady is two snorts away from a drug overdose. And, her boyfriend, client, whatever he was...climbed out of the same hole. She starts hitting on me and putting popcorn in my cleavage!  

I was mortified. Joe was a good sport, but I had no idea how to react, what to say...other than..."I'm ready to go somewhere else".  

We decided to go back to his place.  Yay, more smoochie smoochie!!  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sugar Bowl

Some friends and I had planned a day to Sugar Bowl to snowboard. I half invited Joe, expecting him to say "no", but he said he would consider meeting me.

So much for that. Time to feel the rush of the cold air and the powder beneath my feet. Halfway there, Joe calls and asked me where I was...he was there, waiting for ME! 

Yay, now we get to hang out in a very fun and flirty atmosphere.

He is equally, hot in his ski gear with an added 2 day beard...yum!  Why is it weekend man looks even better than suit that possible..!

Were on the lift and all I can think is, "God please don't let me bite it getting off the lift"!  Exit stage left smoothly...shoo.

It was an amazing day. The best day I've ever had snowboarding. Not once did I make a fool of myself or have any colossal wipeouts in front of Joe.

Once again, were all over that damn mountain, even in a few secluded areas...alone. Were talking, laughing, but no kissing. Oh great, "is he still on the fence about me, is he not attracted to me, did he meet me because I'm fun to hang out with...what the hell is this guys deal???

The day comes to an end and it's time to head home. Were saying goodbye in the parking lot. My heart sinks, all day and not one lil peck...grrr. So, what does he do, he kisses me, in front of everyone!  Our second kiss and his friend and my friends are awkward!!

That was the longest drive home. How is it this guy holds my attention even after he's gone?  I wonder when I'll see him again...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In The Beginning:

There was this woman, myself, who was footloose and fancy free.  I had yet to meet my "soulmate".

There was this man, Joe, handsome and mysterious. He also had not met his "dream woman".

Although, we originally met 6 years ago, our paths were headed in different directions. We were both seeing other people.

March, 2009 I heard that Joe was single. I thought,  "now is my chance, I have to let him know I'm into him". Oh the butterflies!!  Long story short, he called, we spoke, I flaked.

Dumb Move, Dumb Girl:

I really regretted that move.

Second Time is A Charm:

In January 2010, Joe started covering cases at the hospital where I work. AND, here came the butterflies!!  I tried flirting, but damn he made me nervous. Especially, given the history of my flakiness.

Who Knew A Troll Would Help:

My sister, Misty, calls one day to tell me the funniest story that involved a "troll". This was a story worth repeating to everyone, including Joe. Needless to say, this led to our first date.

February 18, 2010...Its First Date Day:

OMG!!  Why am I sweating so??  We met at a sushi restaurant in Berkeley. Time for a beer...let's calm those nerves. And, did I mention how hot he looked in his gray suit and blue!!

At some point I say, "this seems to be going well". I think that was a poor choice of words.

We continued the date at an Irish pub down the street. There was a band playing and we sat upstairs where we could hear each other talk.

OK, we're 5 hours into this date and my hot date has yet to make a move.  I'm touching my hair, my body is facing his, I keep licking my lips...I'm giving all the signals. Oh no, is this turning into a "friend" date?

Seven hours later, we walk to our cars.  I sit in his jeep so I can listen to some of his music we've been discussing.  As much fun as the date was, I had to leave. I mean, it's 12:30, and I have to work the next day. So what does he do?  He kisses me!  Seven long hours I waited for this moment.

I had already confirmed that we could keep the conversation going and enjoy each others company. But, did we have chemistry?

Did we ever!!!  I couldn't sleep when I got home. I need another kiss...