Monday, May 9, 2011

All By Myself: January 14, 2011

Jumping ahead...

This was supposed to be my girls weekend to Tahoe. 

Joe was having his testosterone trip to Canada as well.

Sadly, my Chuy was not getting any better. I decided to stay home and take care of my furkid. 

It was a nice weekend. It had been a long time since I spent a weekend by myself. I was able to get a lot of my chores done and catch up on reading. 

In the midst of all this alone time I started thinking about my future with Joe. He had surpassed all my expectations in a mate. Not once has he waivered or behaved douchey. 

Well, apparently alone time and feelings of intense emotion make me think all kinds of things. I shared with my sister Angela that I had baby fever. 

She insisted I would be a good mom although I would "spoil it to no end". She's probably right. My nieces and nephews can agree. 

Joe gets home Sunday evening. What better way to have the "baby talk" than over a home cooked meal...he didn't stand a chance. 

I begin with..I had a fever this weekend. He's listening, showing concern, urging me to tell him more. I continue, I was hallucinating about babies and baby names. His eyes widen. The room is silent, I dive in with, "I want a baby"!  More silence. 

"When do you want to get started", he replies. Wow, that was easy..must have been my fried chicken. 

Well, time to get started...